What are the Best Ways to Clear your mind Every Morning: Mind is the most vital part of the human body, if you have full control over your mind then there is nothing you cannot achieve in your life. Not just in the materialistic world but also if you want to go to the other dimension of life then your mind is what you need to conquer first.
Also See: Benefits of Waking Up Early in the Morning
So, when you wake up in the morning, your first motto should be to work upon your mind. And if you can clear all useless thoughts coming into the mind then you can take some untold benefits of mind power.
As there are many spiritual advantages of waking up early in the morning so you should clear your mind as you clear your body.
So, what are the best way to clear your mind every morning, yes there are many that we are going to discuss below
What are the Best Ways to Clear your mind Every Morning?
Pranayam is an Ancient Indian technique that focuses on the breath. The name Pranayam means the “Exercises of Breath”. There are many Pranayam exercises like Kapalbhati, Anulom Vilom, Bhastrika Pranayam, Bhramari pranayam etc.
When you do these Parnayam then your mind starts focusing on your breath and it gets relaxed and calm. Your all thoughts coming into the mind will suddenly get disappeared. And you will feel really light and energized.
Observing the Nature
Get up early and go out for a morning walk, you will get many benefits of going on a morning walk daily. And one more thing you can add while going on the morning walk is that you can observe nature. The chirping of birds, water sound, soil fragrance, sunshine, and cool breeze.
Just feel all these natural things and your mind will be totally free from all the other thoughts. As our whole body is made up of this nature so will feel a connection between you and all these things that will calm your mind a lot.
Focusing on your Thoughts
We all have a mind full of emotions and thoughts, and sometimes we feel stuck in all these thoughts. But once we start focusing on the thoughts or whatever coming into our minds then all these thoughts will get disappeared.
Sit in a comfortable position anywhere, say on a bench in the park. Now close your eyes and just start focusing on what you thinking about, soon your mind will get blank and now you can see what is really going on around you like any sound any fragrance, and any kind of feeling. This is what real observation is when your mind is just empty.
Playing a Game
In our childhood, we used to play a lot and at that time, our whole focus was only on the game. This happens with us when we get involved in something then our mind starts just focusing on that particular thing nothing else. If you play a game in the morning then you will not be thinking of your thought.
The only thought that will come into your mind will be just about the same. So, it can be a great way to empty your mind with other thoughts.
As by the games, your whole focus shifts towards the game, the same thing happens when you go to the gym. By doing gym, your body will feel that pain, sweat, and stretch. And if your body is having these feelings then your mind cannot think about anything else. So, the gym can be a good option if you want to clear your mind.
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